Second, the red color doesn't suit our national customs. 其次,红色在我们国家的文化中不是很合适,你们可以把颜色换成某种淡色调的吗?
Meeting of National Customs Directors of Latin America, Spain and Portugal 拉丁美洲、西班牙和葡萄牙各国海关署长会议
We must respect their national customs. 我们必须尊重他们的民族风俗。
Is different in "the matchless hero" concert's national customs, this year's concert concept comes from the cartoon element, will fill in the future the feeling. 不同于“盖世英雄”演唱会的中国风,今年的演唱会概念很多来自漫画元素,充满未来感。
Water-sprinkling festival originated from India, with Buddhism in dai area influence deepen water-sprinkling festival became a national customs handed down, now has hundreds of years. 泼水节源于印度,随着佛教在傣族地区影响的加深,泼水节成为一种民族习俗流传下来,至今已数百年。
The Baha'i teacher of the Chinese people must first be imbued with their spirit, know their sacred literature, study their national customs and speak to them from their own standpoint& terminology. 中国人的巴哈伊教师必先浸染中国人的精神,了解他们的神圣文学,学习他们的民族习俗,从他们的立场用他们的语汇来和他们交谈。
Sport recreation, environmental protection, national conditions and customs, material reorganized and hi-tech surface fabric are to reflect people's pursuit to life. 运动休、环保、民族风情、材料的重组及高科技面料的运用等体现了当今人们对生活质量的追求。
Study on Methods for National Customs Declarant Qualification Test and Its Analysis. 论全国报关员资格考试及其备考方法分析。
I really enjoyed the nature environment, experienced a variety of national customs and cultures, observed every thing happened on the way, even tried to involve in those events. 出游时会努力享受大自然的恩赐,感受异地文化习俗,观察社会千姿百态人。
Maybe want to experience the national conditions and customs besides Chinese nation and living environment. 可能是想感受一下除了中华民族以外的民族风情和生活环境。
Due to geographical environment, language, national customs and ideas, minority college graduates ′ employment situation remains grave. 少数民族大学生由于受地域环境、语言、民族风俗、思想观念等方面影响,就业形势不容乐观。
Russian idioms source and Russian national customs 俄语成语溯源与俄罗斯民族风俗
The Practice in Guiding Students for Obtaining the National Customs Declaration Certificate 辅导学生报考报关员资格的实践
The article holds that the establishment of "The Social Life History of Chinese Southwestern Nationalities" is not only of great academic significance to ethnic history, ethnology and national customs, but also promotes the further research of this field. 本文认为,《中国西南民族社会生活史》的出版,不仅在民族史以及民族学、民俗学方面有着较重要的学术价值,而且也将有助于推动这一领域的深入研究。
This paper expounds the Qing Dynasty's exiles in Xinjiang and national relations on the basis of the official exiles 'poems that described national customs in Xinjiang, endorsed national friendly exchanges and emphasized the strengthening and coordinating of national relations. 本文主要依据流放官员的诗文·从吟咏新疆各民族风情、赞同各民族友好交往、重视加强与协调民族关系这三方面论述清代新疆流人与民族关系。
There are great differences in historical background, social culture, national customs among the countries. 不同的国度之间的历史背景、社会文化、民族风情等都有很大的差异。
These unique items are mostly culture-loaded in the following six aspects: historical relics, scenery rich in religious sense, the art of gardening, foods, national customs and the thinking mode. 这些说法文化内涵丰富,主要表现在以下六个方面:历史典故,宗教信仰,园林艺术,饮食文化,民族风俗和思维模式。
The studies reveals that the difference of the national customs, the commercial culture. 研究结论表明,各国在民族习俗、商业文化、投资理念、创新意识、法规体系等国情方面的不同是形成这种差异的主要原因。
From the intermediaries with different symbolic meanings we can not only know more about national customs, characteristics of various peoples, but also understand the detailed contents of culture for Love and marriage. 透过这几个阶段各种不同象征意义的媒介物,我们可以了解多彩斑斓的民族风情和民族性格,解读恋爱、婚姻中丰富的文化底蕴。
Objective To understand the survival condition, health consciousness and the demand of the countryside elderly in the loess plateau region, compare their quality of life ( QOL) with different national customs. 目的了解黄土高原地区农村老年人的生存状况、健康意识及需求,比较具有不同民族习俗老年人的生存质量。
The complicated national consciousness of minority nationality college students originates from the unique national customs. 独特的民族风俗习惯,塑造了少数民族大学生复杂的民族观。
The ceremonies in primitive state have transformed into those with law features and functions by national customs, playing an adjusting role to the society. 原始状态的礼逐渐由民族的习惯演化而具有法的性质和作用,对社会具有一定的调节作用。
External factors include social culture, history, national customs and communication reality factors. 语言外因素包括社会文化、历史、民族风俗和交际现实环境等因素。
In recent years, national Customs has a number of cases of administrative compensation, which deeply reflect the incompatibility between the law enforcement of Customs and the demand for the situation development. 近年来,全国海关连续发生多起行政赔偿案件,深刻地反映出海关的整体执法水平与形势发展的要求还不相适应,通关监管工作还存在一些不和谐因素。
In the 21st century of the rapid development of tourism, tourism has been transferred from the simple natural scenery tour and national customs to the experience of the cultural connotations of the natural scenery and ethnic customs. 在旅游业高速发展的21世纪,旅游已经从单纯的游览自然风光和民族风情,转变为对自然风光和民族风情背后的文化内涵的体验上了。
The third section presents the optimization of the layout of existing industries in Yunnan Province a number of measures, taking into account Investment, urbanization, environmental protection, industrial concentration, as well as a variety of reasons of national customs. 第三部分提出了优化云南省现有产业布局的若干措施,考虑了招商引资、城市化进程、环境保护、产业集聚以及民族风俗等多种原因。
The marriage system best embodies the national customs. 婚姻制度是最能体现一个国家民族习惯的制度。
Nowadays, with the changes of environment and the development of society, the Hezhen traditional fishing culture is faced great impact. Some national customs have disappeared, so we are faced with the difficult task of rescue, reservation and heritage of the Hezhen traditional fishing culture. 如今,随着生态环境的改变、社会的发展和进步,赫哲族传统的鱼文化正面临着巨大的冲击,有些民族风俗已经消失,抢救、保护和传承赫哲族传统鱼文化的艰巨任务就摆在我们面前。
There are about 900 million peasants living in rural area, and three million villages and towns are located in China. Different natural environments, production features, living habits, national cultural customs lead to enormous regional differences of rural settlement models. 我国有近9亿农民居住在农村,全国拥有300多万个村落和集镇,各地不同的自然环境、生产特点、生活习惯及民族文化风俗导致了农村聚居模式的巨大地域差异。
However, owing to different historical evolutions, geographical conditions, national customs, value orientations, religious beliefs, etc., having a full understanding of animal idioms in one culture is difficult for people living in another. 然而,由于不同的历史演化过程,地理条件,民族风俗,价值取向,宗教信仰等因素,完全透彻的理解一种文化中的动物习语对于生活在另一种文化中的人们而言是有难度的。